





(1) 吸毒者:細菌容易透過不潔的靜脈注射進入血液循環

(2) 過去曾經罹患過心內膜炎的人

(3) 先天心臟缺陷的患者

(4) 放置人工瓣膜的人

(5) 最近動過牙科手術的人

(6) 罹患牙齦疾病的人

(7) 放有靜脈導管的人



(1) 發燒

(2) 寒顫

(3) 盜汗

(4) 呼吸急促

(5) 咳嗽

(6) 胸部疼痛

(7) 下肢水腫

(8) 心雜音

(9) 體重減輕



(1) 給予廣效抗生素,等待細菌培養結果出爐後再給予針對性的抗生素

(2) 外科手術:病情嚴重時可能需要以手術清除贅生物並修復受損組織

Endocarditis refers to the inflammation of the innermost layer of the heart. The main reason is the bacterial infection. These bacteria usually enter from other parts of the body and then infect the heart through the blood circulation. The clinical symptoms and general conditions of endocarditis. A cold is similar, but it can make a patient's life dangerous, so you must be careful.

Why is endocarditis dangerous?

Because the neoplasms formed by bacteria may block the blood vessels of the brain, it also affects the function of the heart itself.

Inflammatory bacteria can form sputum on the endocardium. These mites may peel off into the blood circulation, so they may get stuck in small blood vessels and cause blockage. If stuck in the brain, it will cause a stroke, and the heart itself cannot. Maintaining normal function, heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to load, and other organs that affect the body, such as the kidneys.

Who is more prone to endocarditis?

Certain behaviors that tend to get bacteria into the blood and structural problems of the heart itself can increase the risk of endocarditis.

(1) Drug addicts: bacteria easily enter the blood circulation through unclean intravenous injections

(2) People who have suffered from endocarditis in the past

(3) Patients with congenital heart defects

(4) Place the artificial valve

(5) People who have recently undergone dental surgery

(6) People suffering from gum disease

(7) People with venous catheters

What are the symptoms of endocarditis?

The initial symptoms of endocarditis are similar to those of the common cold, so it is easy for patients to delay medical treatment.

(1) fever

(2) chills

(3) Night sweats

(4) shortness of breath

(5) Cough

(6) Chest pain

(7) Lower extremity edema

(8) Heart murmur

(9) Weight loss

How to treat endocarditis?

A large number of antibiotics are the main way to treat endocarditis

(1) Give broad-spectrum antibiotics and wait for the bacterial culture results to be released before giving targeted antibiotics

(2) Surgery: Severe surgery may require surgical removal of neoplasms and repair of damaged tissue

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.
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